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Publié le 19 December 2023

Alsys Welcomes Teachers and Students for a Productive Collaboration in the Industry

Alsys has achieved success through its involvement in events such as guided tours of its Salindres industrial site. We are delighted to highlight this recent endeavor, which reinforces our dedication to fostering education and innovation in the industry. Alsys had the honor of hosting educators from the national education system and students from the inaugural cohort of the European Master's in Membrane Engineering, a globally renowned training program.

This fruitful collaboration is in harmony with our ongoing commitment. To contribute to educational advancement and support the emerging talents in the sector. Additionally, Alsys is proud to forge special ties with the educational sector.

Hosting teachers at our industrial site strengthens our partnership with the national education system and illustrates our dedication to knowledge sharing.

Welcoming students from the European Master's in Membrane Engineering provides Alsys with the opportunity to identify and collaborate with exceptional talents. Moreover, we believe in the important of investing in the next generation of professionals in the field, viewing it as a glimpse into the future.

So, by opening our doors to teachers and students, we offer a unique opportunity to discover our latest technological advancements and expertise, particularly in the field of membranes. This solidifies our standing as an innovative and forward-thinking company, innovation in action.

These events create a platform conducive to the formation of strategic partnerships between Alsys and educational institutions. Furthermore, we believe in the value of academic and industrial collaborations to stimulate innovation.

Alsys Welcomes Teachers and Students

Then, by welcoming these visitors, Alsys reinforces its commitment to the local and global community. We take pride in contributing to education and socio-economic development. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to teachers, students, and all participants for their enriching collaboration. This experience reflects our determination to shape the future of membrane engineering. And, play an active role in training bright minds that will contribute to our industry.

At Alsys, we believe in the power of collaboration, innovation, and education to create a better future. Thank you for sharing this adventure with us.